The Power of Comment Marketing
I'm a fan of comment marketing. Not stupid, inane, spammy link/comment marketing, but real comment marketing that helps you establish a reputation, build connections, and if you do it right, flow quality, targeted traffic to important parts of your website.
To help others get a small glimpse of it's power, I ran a test. The re-cap is simple; you can do the math.
The article:
The comment:
The results (so far - ~7 days later):
The lesson:
Well-crafted content is a good thing. I shared this as a test, but it would have been very easy for someone else to share in this situation. In fact, another person did share a link of this content and it's responsible for the other 54 clicks.
Comments work. They can drive massive traffic when utilized right, grow conenctions and brand awareness, and earn you relevant citations and links.
Don't make marketing more complicated than it has to be!